Auditing and Security: AS/400, NT, UNIX, Networks, and Disaster Recovery Plans Review

Auditing and Security: AS/400, NT, UNIX, Networks, and Disaster Recovery Plans
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Auditing and Security: AS/400, NT, UNIX, Networks, and Disaster Recovery Plans ReviewBecause the book was published in 2001, and it used the AS/400 name in it's title, I expected it to be a good source on recent developments in security on the AS/400 (AKA the IBM iSeries). I am dissapointed. While the information that is included in the book seems generally accurate (I have a few quibbles in areas like QSECURITY, Adopted Authority, CHGSYSLIBL, and CRTAUT to name a few), the big problem is that there are huge chunks of current technologies that are not even addressed in this audit standard.
Some examples include, the entire IFS (Integrated File System), Operations Navigator, NetServer and other network servers like SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. No reference to exit programs beyond the ancient PCSACC and DDMACC network attirbutes, spotty acknowledgement of System Values added after V3R1 (1995?) and a general lack of understanding of what the potential security exposures might be in areas that were audited. It's one thing to say that you should "discuss with management" the existance on a workstation entry in subsystem QDSNX, but what is an auditor to discuss if the author hasn't explained the potential security exposure?
It may be a rally good book with respect ot the other OS's that it purports to cover, but from an OS/400 perspective it is not current enough to be very effective on modern versions.Auditing and Security: AS/400, NT, UNIX, Networks, and Disaster Recovery Plans OverviewA complete and definitive guide to auditing the security of IT systems for managers, CIOs, controllers, and auditorsThis up-to-date resource provides all the tools you need to perform practical security audits on the entire spectrum of a company's IT platforms-from the mainframe to the individual PC-as well as the networks that connect them to each other and to the global marketplace. Auditing and Security: AS/400, NT, Unix, Networks, and Disaster Recovery Plans is the first book on IT security written specifically for the auditor, detailing what controls are necessary to ensure a secure system regardless of the specific hardware, software, or architecture a company runs. The author uses helpful checklists and diagrams and a practical, rather than theoretical, method to understanding and auditing a company's IT security systems and their requirements. This comprehensive volume covers the full range of issues relating to security audits, including:* Hardware and software* Operating systems* Network connections* The cooperation of logical and physical security systems* Disaster recovery planning

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