Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce Review

Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce
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Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce ReviewSpecial needs does not mean worthless. "Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce" is a guide to hiring the disabled and using them to their fullest as employees and workers. These employees still have high potential for companies if the company is smart, and it can have high value for both employer and employee. "Dive In" is a must read for any company who wants to best understand the special needs workforce.
Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce OverviewFifty-four million American adults live with a disability. Add to that tens of millions of parents of children with special needs and mature workers with age related disabilities and the number grows.Why are these numbers important to your company, agency, organization, or school? Because these people make up the special needs workforce a group of talented employees that you cannot afford to overlook. Unlike many books about employing the disabled, Nadine Vogel includes in the special needs workforce parents of children with special needs and workers with age-related disabilities.In this book she presents the business case for hiring and supporting this untapped and under-used workforce. She demonstrates the value of inclusion with statistics, anecdotal evidence, and examples from the world's most successful companies. Vogel not only encourages employers to consider this under-used group, but also presents concrete how-to information and best practices from in-the-know corporations. In Dive In, she maps out a plan for inclusion that can increase your company's productivity, elevate your status with your customers, and position your company as an employer of choice.Included is a list of many government agencies and non-profit organizations that provide information on everything from physical accessibility to tax breaks. Also included are tips on how to handle difficult situations, how to best train employees, and how to partner with other organizations to give greater visibility and overall results for your efforts.

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