Supervision: A Redefinition Review

Supervision: A Redefinition
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Supervision: A Redefinition ReviewSergiovanni and Starratt bring to light wonderful ideas for supervision during the next century. They force the reader to consider doing away with school and evaluations as we currently know them. They suggest moving away from evaluation and instead replacing it with healthy, supportive, and collegial supervision. These are all great ideas based upon what we have seen occur in many business settings.
The only problem I see with the authors' ideas is that one would have to basically recreate education as we currently know it in order to implement their vision of supervision. The change would have to be systemic all the way from the national level to the local levels. However, this may not be a bad thing.
The authors have very enlightening ideas contained in a very thought-provoking bookSupervision: A Redefinition OverviewFirst published in 1971 and now the best known book in the field, Supervision: A Redefinition continues to be the leading text for combining an in-depth view of theory and research for supervision with practical applications. The Seventh Edition continues a thirty-year tradition of breaking new ground by continuously redefining the field of supervision in response to changing school contexts, policies, and realities. The practical applications are supported by a conception of supervision as moral agency. The book continues to promote a new vision, or redefinition, of supervision from that of a top-down activity performed by higher-ups in the school hierarchy, to one in which supervision is a shared activity involving all stake-holders in the school including teachers, administrators, and parents. The book sees schools as communities rather than organizations, and emphasizes the student-teacher relationship rather than bureaucratic functions.

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