Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time Embedded Systems Review

Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time Embedded Systems
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Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time Embedded Systems ReviewThis book was a really interesting book. I liked all of the technical things in it. I thought the book was really cool and my dad liked it, too. (My dad had to help me a little.)I loved it!Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time Embedded Systems OverviewThe process of designing large real-time embedded signalprocessing systems is plagued by a lack of coherent specification anddesign methodology. A canonical waterfall design process is commonlyused to specify, design, and implement these systems withcommercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multiprocessing (MP) hardware andsoftware. Powerful frameworks exist for each individual phase of thiscanonical design process, but no single methodology exists whichenables these frameworks to work together coherently, i.e., allowingthe output of a framework used in one phase to be consumed by adifferent framework used in the next phase. This lack of coherence usually leads to design errors that are notcaught until well in to the implementation phase. Since the cost ofredesign increases as the design moves through these three stages,redesign is the most expensive if not performed until theimplementation phase, thus making the current incoherent methodologycostly. Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time EmbeddedSystems shows how designs targeting COTS MP technologies can beimproved by providing a coherent coupling between these frameworks, aquality known as "model continuity. This book presents a new specification and design methodology (SDM)which accomplishes the requirements specification, design exploration,and implementation of COTS MP-based signal processing systems by usingpowerful commercial frameworks that are intelligently integrated intoa single domain-specific SDM. From the foreword: "This book is remarkably practical. Itprovides an excellent snapshot of the state-of-the-art and gives thereader a good understanding of both the fundamental challenges ofspecification and design as well as a unified and quantified abilityto assess a given methodology". Daniel Gajski, University ofCalifornia

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