Software Reuse Techniques: Adding Reuse to the System Development Process Review

Software Reuse Techniques: Adding Reuse to the System Development Process
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Software Reuse Techniques: Adding Reuse to the System Development Process ReviewUnlike many other books on this subject, McClure demystifies a subject usually enmeshed by theory and complex terminology. It is a must for any program manager or architect charged with implementing a reuse adoption progam into their organisation. Its one weakness is its bias towards o-o development methods, which leads to a lack of guidance regarding more traditional structured development methodologies.Software Reuse Techniques: Adding Reuse to the System Development Process Overview66100-9 Make software reuse work! Step-by-step techniques, proven strategies. Software reuse is the most important concept in software in the last twenty years. Software reuse can dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of software development. But few organizations are realizing the potential of reuse. What's missing? Specific techniques for incorporating reuse into the development lifecycle. Software Reuse Techniques fills that gap. In this book, the world's foremost expert on reuse presents a step-by-step guide to implementing reuse-from planning through maintenance, for object-oriented, component-based, and Internet-enabled software application development.Carma McClure distills her unparalleled consulting experience into practical solutions for:*Effectively reusing existing components *Identifying components most likely to be reusable *Identifying "families" of applications that lend themselves to reuse *Building new components with reuse in mind *Planning for reuse, and conducting readiness audits *Establishing a reuse library/catalog that works *Managing reuseMcClure shows how reuse changes the software development process, and "who does what" in organizations committed to reuse.She demonstrates how to reuse not just source code, but also requirements specifications, designs, test scripts, project plans, documentation, object frameworks and more. Next, she presents 16 different reuse techniques in detail, with case studies. Organizations that have successfully implemented reuse have achieved powerful cost and quality advantages. Reuse works-and you can make it happen. This book contains the techniques-and the proof.

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