Handbook of Multimedia Computing (Internet and Communications) Review

Handbook of Multimedia Computing (Internet and Communications)
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Handbook of Multimedia Computing (Internet and Communications) ReviewBorko Fuhrt is truly an expert on multimedia computing. However, things have changed so much in this field that I can't see purchasing this book for any more than a bargain-basement used-book price. Only part one, on basic concepts and standards, retains the least bit of relevance. Even there, standards such as JPEG2000 now make some of the information in that section antiquated. There is some interesting content in the rest of the book, such as "Detection and Recognition of Television Commercials" in part two, and some of the articles might spark your imagination in whatever research you are attempting. A prime example of how much things have changed in this field is the article "Multimedia Support in Java", in section 3 on Multimedia Systems and Techniques. In that article Java2D, Java3D, JMF(Java Media Framework), and JAI(Java Advanced Imaging API) are all in the future and thus their description is quite abstract. As we now know, JMF was a complete bust, and the other three technologies are not only in existence but have matured significantly.
I'm giving this book two stars only because, in its time, it was a good collection of research papers on an often ignored subject - multimedia computing and all its facets. If you can get it very cheap, it might still be a good "idea book" on multimedia systems, but nothing more.Handbook of Multimedia Computing (Internet and Communications) OverviewMultimedia computing has emerged as a major area of research. Coupled with high-speed networks, multimedia computer systems have opened a spectrum of new applications by combining a variety of information sources, such as voice, graphics, animation, images, audio, and video. Handbook on Multimedia Computing provides a comprehensive resource on advanced topics in this field, considered here as the integration of four industries: computer, communication, broadcasting/entertainment, and consumer electronics. This indispensable reference compiles contributions from 80 academic and industry leaders, examining all the major subsets of multimedia activity.Four parts divide the text:
Basic Concepts and Standards introduces basic multimedia terminology, taxonomy, and concepts, including multimedia objects, user interfaces, and standards
Multimedia Retrieval and Processing Techniques addresses various aspects of audio, image, and video retrieval; indexing; and processing techniques and systems
Multimedia Systems and Techniques covers critical multimedia issues, such as multimedia synchronization, operating systems for multimedia, multimedia databases, storage organizations, and processor architectures
Multimedia Communications and Networking discusses networking issues, such as quality of service, resource management, and video transportAn indispensable reference, Handbook on Multimedia Computing covers every aspect of multimedia applications and technology. It gives you the tools you need to understand and work in this fast-paced, continuously changing field.

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