Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace Review

Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace
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Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace ReviewWritten in 1999, this book has a breezy optimism about the networking power of the Internet, to gather together people of similar political interests. The intervening years have been eventful, and validate a lot of the book's projections.
Smart mobs, to use Howard Rheingold's term, and the increasing visibility of the Internet in this year's US Presidential campaigns suggest that indeed, the Internet is proving a focal point for many activists.Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace OverviewThis is the first complete introduction to and analysis of the politics of the internet. Chapters are arranged around key words and use case studies to guide the reader through a wealth of material.Cyberpower presents all the key concepts of cyberspace including:* power and cyberspace* the virtual individual* society in cyberspace* imagination and the internet.

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