History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age Review

History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age
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History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age ReviewHelmut Koester's History, Culture and Religion of the Hellenistic Age is Volume One to his Introduction to the New Testament. It is intended to provide an introduction, but the reader will come away with much more than that. This review covers only the first volume.
Koester covers a wide range of topics pertaining to the ancient world including political, religious, intellectual, and technological histories and seems to demonstrate thorough knowledge of each. His intention is to provide a linear transition between Old and New Testaments and place the entire Bible into its proper historical context. Many religious groups including the Maccabees, Pharisees, and Samaritans are placed in perspective to the greater world in which the interacted. The reader will fully understand what the political and intellectual world was like during the time Christianity was being established.
Koester's unique way of identifying chapters and subparts makes for quick and easy internal cross reference, though his alpha-numeric style is similar to a government regulation or corporate standard operating procedure.
Though his knowledge of his subject matter is unquestionable, Koester does demonstrate several weaknesses that readers must accommodate. He has a strong pro-Hellenistic bias, particularly evident in Chapter 3 when he claims Galen's books are "the last truly great medical works from the ancient times" or how the "Roman period and beyond" were a "decline of scholarship and science." Koester's work is occasionally detailed to the point of tediousness. His chapters on the many religious cults and philosophies do not appear to be written for the casual reader. The level of detail demonstrates his knowledge but come across as somewhat confusing. He also dwells exclusively in the world of political and intellectual leaders, the common people are not described in any convincing detail. This is peculiar because the focus of the Bible, particularly the New Testament is upon the ordinary people who often get caught up in the intrigues and realities of the Roman world.
A final weakness is in his presentation style. He provides no notes to any sources throughout the book. He lists bibliographies for each chapter, but does not differentiate between his work and that of others.
Yet this is still a valuable book that can teach much of the world of the New Testament. Christianity and the New Testament did not evolve in a vacuum, and Koester does much to help the reader fully appreciate what the world in which they did emerge in was like.History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age OverviewAmong the striking features that distinguish thiscomprehensive two-volume work, now complete in its second edition,from other books of similar title are its wide historical scope, itstreatment of early Christian literature in the chronological sequence,and the inclusion of over sixty noncanonical Christian documents.Volume 2, after considering problems related to the interpretationof early Christian writings - transmission, canon, text, formcriticism, literary criticism, and narrative and rhetorical criticism- unfolds the story of the early Christian communities and theirliterature from John the Baptist and Jesus to Justin Martyr,Valentinus, and Polycarp. This narrative has been written in areadable, nontechnical style, supplemented by current bibliographiesfor each selection that include listings of the best editions oforiginal texts as well as the most accessible English translations. Anessential work for students, teachers, and clergy, this set will alsoappeal to the educated layperson looking for a scholarly treatment ofthe New Testament and its background in the world of Jewish andGreco-Roman antiquity.

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