Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice Review

Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice
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Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice ReviewThis a an extraordinary book that belongs on the shelves (and in the heart) of every therapist AND every coach. Frankly, I've heard Pat Williams speak, so I fully expected to like the book, but even so, I was surprised by just how good, how inspiring, practical and helpful it is. Williams and Davis do a great service for mental health workers, counselors, social workers and Psychologists by affirming the power of what "we" do, and by expanding the boundaries within which we operate. At the same time, they also provide a great reminder for coaches of what WE do, how we do it, and how powerful it is!
The book is elegantly laid-out, easy to follow and powerfully practical. The heart of the message is that caring for and WITH people truly matters. Whether we are labeled as "mental health practitioners" or "spiritual ministers" or coaches, we all use highly sophisticated skills, some that are ancient and timeless, and others that are new and scientifically "proven," to help people transform their lives.
The book is directly aimed at "helping professionals." The message is that what mental health professionals do is IMPORTANT, even if insurance companies and (at times) our culture fails to appreciate it. Williams and Davis present practical, do-able paths that allow professionals to reclaim their independence and do the work they love and are trained to do well.
The exciting part of the book for me, as a Psychologist who has already transitioned into coaching, was the delightful, passionate reminder of what coaches actually DO! While this is an introduction or over-view of coaching, I found the reminders, the affirmations, and the passion extremely helpful. As "people experts" it is good to be reminded of how much we know, how skilled we are, how many "tools" we have in our toolbox!
I found the book easily readable, very well-thought-out, and helpful. I highly recommend it for (1) anyone considering entering the field of coaching, (2) mental health professionals who are tired or restless and looking for a new challenge, and (3) for coaches who want a helpful survey of the skills and strengths we bring to our work. All three groups will get a tremendous lift and find it a helpful read.Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice OverviewThis text for health professionals considers the transition into the dynamic field of life coaching. It explores life coaching as a profession, examines the relationship between life coaching and therapy, and details the variety of options for professionals considering either a transition into coaching or expanding their practices to include coaching. This work is one-stop-shopping for the therapist wishing to explore the coaching field. Chapters include: the history and evolution of life coaching; therapy and coaching; distinctions and similarities; getting started as a life coach; the basic life coaching model; developing and marketing your life coaching practice; and self-care for life coaches.

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