Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge (Acting with Technology) Review

Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge (Acting with Technology)
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Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge (Acting with Technology) ReviewThis book is, I may say, one of the kind of books I always wanted to have, to read and revisit for getting its golden nuggets. It is unique because it provides, from several different perspectives (technical as well as philosophical), deep insights in what is going on in computer-based collaborative applications, with emphasis on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. The need of collaborative applications is justified and analysed starting both from practice and theoretically. The text very well presents and analyses the valuable experience of the author in designing and implementing a wide range of applications in e-learning, groupware, artificial intelligence (expert systems and knowledge-based and text processing (Latent Semantic Indexing). This experience description may be better understood if we see the text almost as a saga ending with one of the main ideas of the book: knowledge building appears in verbal-mediated collaboration in small groups. The practical experiences are doubled by deep interdisciplinary theoretical considerations, including philosophy (integrating ideas from Heidegger, Vygotsky, Derrida, Bourdieu, Bakhtin, Adorno, etc.), learning sciences and sociology (e.g. Garfinkel's ethnomethodology, and Schegloff's and Sacks' conversation analysis). State of the art theories like activity theory, distributed cognition, situated learning, knowledge building, and group cognition are also integrated in the whole.Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge (Acting with Technology) OverviewInnovative uses of global and local networks of linked computers make newways of collaborative working, learning, and acting possible. In Group CognitionGerry Stahl explores the technological and social reconfigurations that are neededto achieve computer-supported collaborative knowledge building--group cognition thattranscends the limits of individual cognition. Computers can provide active mediafor social group cognition where ideas grow through the interactions within groupsof people; software functionality can manage group discourse that results in sharedunderstandings, new meanings, and collaborative learning. Stahl offers softwaredesign prototypes, analyzes empirical instances of collaboration, and elaborates atheory of collaboration that takes the group, rather than the individual, as theunit of analysis.Stahl's design studies concentrate on mechanisms to support groupformation, multiple interpretive perspectives, and the negotiation of groupknowledge in applications as varied as collaborative curriculum development byteachers, writing summaries by students, and designing space voyages by NASAengineers. His empirical analysis shows how, in small-group collaborations, thegroup constructs intersubjective knowledge that emerges from and appears in thediscourse itself. This discovery of group meaning becomes the springboard forStahl's outline of a social theory of collaborative knowing. Stahl also discussessuch related issues as the distinction between meaning making at the group level andinterpretation at the individual level, appropriate research methodology,philosophical directions for group cognition theory, and suggestions for furtherempirical work.

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