On Proof for the Existence of God, and Other Reflective Inquiries Review

On Proof for the Existence of God, and Other Reflective Inquiries
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On Proof for the Existence of God, and Other Reflective Inquiries ReviewI have engaged in a philosophical debate with this author, though I have not read this book (nor do I intend to). As such, I would prefer to "comment" rather than "review" but Amazon requires a rating, so I've chosen to be neutral. (but see EDIT below)
Our philosphical debate was conducted in the comments attached to the author's review of Dan Barker's "Godless" and I encourage anyone thinking of buying this book to read those comments (found here: http://www.amazon.com/review/R143V7DEFFOH2N/ref=cm_cd_pg_pg1?ie=UTF8&cdPage=1). If you find Mr. Vjecsner's arguments compelling and his reasoning sound, you may very well like this book.
It should be noted that this book is self-published (the principle contact for Penden Press is Mr. Vjecsner himself). Self-publishing is not a crime, but it is often undertaken by people whose work is rejected elsewhere and often such persons have an axe to grind.
In that context, it should also be noted that Mr. Vjecsner believes that he has single-handedly overturned much of the accepted wisdom in philosophy, mathematics and logic. I find it interesting to read the "endorsements" supplied by the publisher in that light (and keeping in mind that Mr. Vjecsner presumably chose and edited the quotes himself - see EDIT #2 below).
In short, if you are interested in reading the work of someone who believes they have single-handedly revolutionized logic, mathematics and philosophy and who promotes the concept of intelligent design, someone who writes Amazon reviews praising ID books and damning books on evolution (as well as books on geometry that contradict his own idiosyncratic theories), someone who believes that the very existence of natural laws (like gravity) suggests the existence of a lawgiver (god), then this may well be the book for you.
I, on the other hand, am convinced by my interaction with the author that reading this book would be a waste of my time. If you read our little discussion, you'll see that he probably agrees.
EDIT: At the time I wrote the above I did not realize that this book has "Look Inside" enabled. I have since tried to read the introduction and some sample pages (and I recommend that you take a look). The writing is pretty turgid and the syntax is rather stilted (here's a quote: "The opposition to the unacknowledged may intensify if what is submitted is not merely presumed wrong, but is, even if supposed right, of determinations regarded as unlikely or impossible to make, as are ones propounded in this treatise"[p. 1] and here's another: "The awareness as to which of the information one may be guided by, which of it is of reality, constitutes knowledge, whose function is correspondingly to be the guide in one's pursuits, to be the means, alongside one's power to act, toward fulfillment of one's purposes"[p. 223]). Now those sentences do make sense, but the writing doesn't exactly flow. If you think these ideas are your cup of tea, be prepared for some tough slogging to get through this book - not an easy read.
EDIT #2:
Mr. Vjecsner frankly admits that the "endorsements" were taken out of context from otherwise negative reviews. When I expressed concern as to whether the views of people he quoted were being represented fairly by the quotes, he replied:
"Well dear T, I have no concern over it at all. Those views needn't be represented "fairly", because they may be otherwise negative, unlike perhaps glowing tributes by academic colleagues of other authors, who tacitly agree that "I'll scratch your back, and you'll scratch mine". They, too, will not quote negative reviews, out of self-interest. I have to do the best I can in my situation, and it isn't really in my self-interest, because I feel obligated to transmit my insights to others"*We might note several features of this little tirade - first, he admits that he took the quotes out of context and it causes him no concern; second, that he feels justified in doing so because he's being ostracized by the academic community; third, he doesn't see any self-interest in this because he has some sort of duty to transmit his insights; fourth, that cherry-picking from negative reviews is "the best he can do" which would mean he's got no positive reviews to quote. I will let the reader draw his or her own conclusions as to the implications of these remarks.
*quoted from [...]
On Proof for the Existence of God, and Other Reflective Inquiries OverviewThe book deals with traditional philosophical issues such as the existence of God and other questions of truth. The approach is one of common experience and reasoning guided by dependable rules of logic as they have been known in mathematics.

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