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The Emerging Consensus in Social Systems Theory ReviewPeople new to systems thinking and cybernetics are looking for handy resources to get started. This book requires something more. However, once a person gains a basic understanding, this book has proven to me to be one of the best. It points the reader in a number of directions for further study, and gives a useful summary of what the reader will find there.Its treatment of the famous Luhmann-Habermas debates was especially helpful, and I plan to use a number of other sections in my own studies and college teaching for some time to come. I find that the writer understood the importance of orienting the reader who hadn't been comfortable with the science and mathematics that often go with systems thinking.
The author does an especially good job trying to integrate certain concerns with democracy, participative management, and widespread involvement that a systems approach sometimes neglects in pursuit of social engineering by a technical elite.
This book was heavier than a simple introduction, so it is not exactly the front door to systems thinking, but I have found it to be a hallway to many rooms that I am still exploring -- thanks to Kenneth Bausch.The Emerging Consensus in Social Systems Theory OverviewIn The Emerging Consensus of Social Systems Theory Bauschsummarizes the works of over 30 major systemic theorists. He then goeson to show the converging areas of consensus among these out-standingthinkers. Bausch categorizes the social aspects of current systemic thinking asfalling into five broadly thematic areas: designing social systems,the structure of the social world, communication, cognition andepistemology. These five areas are foundational for a theoretic and practicalsystemic synthesis. They were topics of contention in a historicdebate between Habermas and Luhmann in the early 1970's. They continueto be contentious topics within the study of social philosophy. Since the 1970's, systemic thinking has taken great strides in theareas of mathematics, physics, biology, psychology, and sociology.This book presents a spectrum of those theoretical advances. Itsynthesizes what various strains of contemporary systems science haveto say about social processes and assesses the quality of theresulting integrated explanations. Bausch gives a detailed study of the works of many present-day systemstheorists, both in general terms, and with regard to social processes.He then creates and validates integrated representations of theirthoughts with respect to his own thematic classifications. He providesa background of systemic thinking from an historical context, as wellas detailed studies of developments in sociological, cognitive andevolutionary theory.This book presents a coherent, dynamic model ofa self-organizing world. It proposes a creative and ethical method ofdecision-making and design. It makes explicit the relations betweenstructure and process in the realms of knowledge and being. The newmethodology that evolves in this book allows us to deal with enormouscomplexity, and to relate ideas so as to draw out previouslyunsuspected conclusions and syntheses. Therein lies the elegance andutility of this model.
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