Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models (Complex Adaptive Systems) Review

Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models (Complex Adaptive Systems)
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Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models (Complex Adaptive Systems) ReviewWhat strikes me each time I open this book is Mr Kecman's sense of pedagogy: it is a lesson in the matter. Not only his book delivers the - sometimes complex - techniques in a highly readable manner, but the concepts behind each of the main tools (SVM, NN & FL) he chose to highlight are always brilliantly put in context. One comes out of the reading with more than a set of equations but rather with a clearer picture of the field.
Mr Kecman is - without a doubt - a great teacher.
This effort to deliver a clear message is furthermore underlined through the numerous original figures: if you are like me and feel that a (good) picture speaks more than a thousand words, you will sure appreciate the way the illustrations complement the text and truly help the understanding.
I have read several other books on the subject but if I had to chose one for teaching purposes, this would be the one. I you want to build a better understanding of the field, get this book: it will pay on the long term.Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models (Complex Adaptive Systems) OverviewThis textbook provides a thorough introduction to the field of learningfrom experimental data and soft computing. Support vector machines (SVM) and neuralnetworks (NN) are the mathematical structures, or models, that underlie learning,while fuzzy logic systems (FLS) enable us to embed structured human knowledge intoworkable algorithms. The book assumes that it is not only useful, but necessary, totreat SVM, NN, and FLS as parts of a connected whole. Throughout, the theory andalgorithms are illustrated by practical examples, as well as by problem sets andsimulated experiments. This approach enables the reader to develop SVM, NN, and FLSin addition to understanding them. The book also presents three case studies: onNN-based control, financial time series analysis, and computer graphics. A solutionsmanual and all of the MATLAB programs needed for the simulated experiments areavailable.

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